Sunday, June 7, 2009

Realize how lucky i am

Today at church i heard the most heartbreaking story... (i don't feel its my place to tell it to u all ) just made me cry to hear it and i still tear up just thinkin of it..And it made me think of a friend of mine who has cancer and she is my age she has 3 children....but it really made me stop and think of how thankful i am and blessed for my family. How wonderful Erland really is and my girls...How thankful i am for my trials ...its made me such a strong my trials seem so minor compare to what these two brave and strong woman have to prayers r with them both and there families...

On a happier note a magic word we haven't heard in over 6 months is OVERTIME! Erland started working at Pool Enviroments in Westbrook 3 wks ago. Our Bishop is his boss and helped him get in...Hancock cut is hrs back in March 32 hr week...ouch we couldn't survive if he stayed there and who knows if that place will stay open. Pool Eviroments is a growing and there looking for a bigger building. I know this place will be around for awhile. Erland loves it its so laid back..hes not use to that Hancock was bust ur butt nonstop. I'm so glad he is there...

Yesturday Erland and his Mom went up on the Mountain...Erland needed to ct firewood for us and Mom hasn't been up in 20 yrs i believe...they had a great time here r some pics of the cleaned it up the outhouse mom fixed the door all while Erland cut wood.

Mom walking up

Cleaned up the cabin

The outside

Erland....his shirt says I'm not trying to be difficult (It just comes naturally)

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