Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We r up and running

Yesterday Courtney is officially on the pump! What a difference as far as no shots....i want to give her one but then i stop and think o yeah ur all set..

She knows how to put her B/S in and add in her carbs. So easy....the next few weeks we need to check her B/S at Midnight and 3 a.m and keep in contact with the nurse everyday...well Thanksgiving weekend were alone.. hope everything runs smoothly..:/ 

On Thanksgiving if she wants seconds she can add it in and eat all day if she wants...
Before i had her wait and add everything she wanted at one time...at breakfast and lunch and supper...when ur on the shot u really need to stick with eating certain times of the day...no snacking here and there...which happens shes 7 can't control everything..so far so good..she goes to school today ..hopefully all goes well.. :) 


The Dale and Kris Shields Family said...

That is so great!!!! She was so cute on Sunday, so proud of it!!!! Sorry we missed the playdate today!!!! I am excited to see you have a blog(I saw it on Nicole's)Now I can be your stalker too!!!!

TheyCallMeMom said...

that pump thing sounds neat.. great for the kids..

looks like all is going well..

I love that pic of you two in your header..