Monday, September 22, 2008

Kacie A.K.A The Twurp :)

A little blurb about Kacie...I have to recommend Kacie's preschool... Ot to Play. It has been so helpful and truely has made a difference in Kacie. 

Two years ago we as a whole family were concern that Kacie may have Autism or off the spectrum of Autism.  She has some symptoms very little eye contact, show very little emotion, Sensory issues, alot of scripted language.... there were a few others...but i had 2 years before she started kindergarden to get her some help.  Through alot of testing she was diagnoised with P.D.D Pervasive Developemental Disorder which is off the Autism Spectrum.  She has been going to Ot now since Sept 07.  She has speech, denelopemental and occupational theropy 5 days a week for half a day.   In one year what an amazing difference. She barely does any scripted language..Animals still bother her but its so nice now to go to our friends house with out her screaming her head off..I can take her any where i was limited to just Walmart to take her shopping forget the mall or other new big department stores or Fairs ect with huge crowds... it WAS  impossible but now she is great.  She has some sensory isssues that i can see that need to be worked on if we can get pass that she will be ready for KIndergarden in 2009!

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