Thursday, January 1, 2009


Its a new year...time for ppl to make New Years Resolutions. Erland and i talked about what we were going to do this Year....I took all of his resolutions...He wants to be in a 32 by Memorial day and eat healthy. No Sweets. (I could take someones arm off for Chocolate some days. I didn't take that one. As i eat a Choc kiss) I do want to lose 15 to 20 more lbs. 
And basically better ourselves. Physically Mentally and Spiritually. Just going to take baby steps...i overwhelm myself I'll give up on things...I mention today i was going to be more patient and loving.  Courtney and Erland laughed. I took that as a hint i need work in that area.  :) I think Erland wants me like Caroline on Little House on the Prarie. I have no comment to that.. ;) Hope everyone had a good New Year!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

HELLO...time to post again!!!